Student Input
The School of Management students are a precious resource whose input is strongly considered in the context of planning for the future. Multiple surveys, conducted regularly, for both current students and graduates, provide feedback on the strengths of the school and areas that require attention and improvement. Students are a major stakeholder group that participates in the school’s annual Stakeholder Conference. Student evaluations of faculty teaching are conducted regularly to inform where improvement might be required in the pedagogy within the school.
Perhaps most importantly, the school supports a unique Student Advisory Board, whose regular consultation with the the dean results in recommendations for improvement. The Student Advisory Board files an annual report including metric-based outcomes, and also addresses perceptual outcomes of the overall quality of the academic programs and educational environment. These efforts include the creation of a student-based SWOT analysis in addition to the administration of periodic survey instruments to assess the overall operating environment. The dean also reports to the student, on outcomes attained in response to their concerns. In this way, the school maintains accountability to its students and encourages a healthy collaborative environment that embraces trust, integrity, and transparency, all toward supporting student success.