Internships & Student Research Opportunities
Summer Research And Training Internships For Biological And Chemical Sciences Students
Please note:
- An asterisk (*) in the Program Name allows International Students to apply
- New York Tech undergraduates have been accepted in these programs in the past
- Deadlines are generally the same every year
- Applications available October 1st
- Please check the program websites for more details
Title | Institution & Location | Application Deadline | Program Contact Information | Type of Program |
American Museum of Natural History | American Museum of Natural History | Feb. 6 | fellowships-rggs@amnh.org | Paid summer internships in evolutionary biology |
Amgen Scholars Program | Various US Universities | Feb. 1 | Michael Bergren Director, Amgen Scholars U.S. Program Office Massachusetts Institute of Technology (617) 253-2620 asp-npo@mit.edu | 6–8 Week Summer Program |
Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP) | NASA’s Ames Research Center | Mar. 1 | Elizabeth Keller Senior Scientist CSS-Dynamac Space Biosciences Research NASA Ames Research Center M/S 247-9 Moffett Field, CA 94035 (650) 604-1174 elizabeth.e.keller@nasa.gov | 10 Week Summer Program |
Chemistry Department, at the University of North Texas | Chemistry Department, at the University of North Texas | Feb. 15 | Shawn Adams UNT Chemistry REU Program Coordinator 1155 Union Circle, #305070 Denton, TX 76203 Tel: (940) 565-4372 Fax: (940) 565-4318 shawn@unt.edu | 10 Week program starting June 2, and participants will be given a $5,000 stipend |
*Mount Sinai Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) | Icahn School of Medicine: Mount Sinai Hospital – New York, NY | Feb. 1 | Lily Recanati One Gustave L. Levy Place Box 1022 New York, NY 10029-6574 grads@mssm.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
*Mount Sinai: Emergency Medicine Research Training Program | Icahn School of Medicine: Mount Sinai Hospital – New York, NY | Mar. 1 July 1 Nov. 1 | One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1620 New York, NY 10029 Fax: (212) 426-1946 emsummerprogram@mountsinai.org | Unpaid 8 Week Medical Training & Research Program |
*Memorial Sloan Kettering Research Institute Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) | MSK Cancer Research Institute: Louis V. Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences – New York, NY | Feb. 1 | Kenneth Marians 1275 York Avenue, Box 441 New York, NY 10065 surp@sloankettering.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) | U.S. Department of Energy – Multiple Laboratories Nationwide e.g. Brookhaven National Laboratory | Jan. 2 | Check Website | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
*Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Undergraduate Research Program (URP) | CSHL’s Watson School of Biological Sciences – Cold Spring Harbor, NY | Jan. 15 | UREY 1 Bungtown Road Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USA (516) 367-6909 urpadmin@cshl.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
*MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) | Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Cambridge, MA | Jan. 16 | MIT Office of the Dean for Graduate Education Room 3-138 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 Tel: (617) 253-4860 Fax: (617) 253-5620 msrp@mit.edu | Paid 9 Week Research Internship |
*MSRP for Biology and Neurosciences | MIT Department of Biology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences – Cambridge, MA | Jan. 30 | Mandana Sassanfar MIT SURP Room 68-270A 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
*New York University Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) | NYU School of Medicine, Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences – New York, NY | Feb. 1 | Amanda Tufekcier SURP NYU School of Medicine Greenberg Hall 545 First Avenue, GBH 5F New York, NY 10016 amanda.tufekcier@nyumc.org | Paid 9 Week Research Internship |
SMDEP (Summer Medical and Dental Education Program) | Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and College of Dental Medicine – New York, NY | Mar. 1 | Office of Diversity SMDEP Program Coordinator (212) 305-4157 smdep-ps@columbia.edu | Paid 6 Week Medical Training Program |
YALE Medical School One year fellowship | YALE University Medical School: Office of Multicultural Affairs – New Haven, CT | Feb. 1 | Office of Multicultural Affairs Yale School of Medicine P.O. Box 208036 New Haven, CT 06520-8036 Tel: (203) 785.7545 Fax: (203) 737.5507 mca@yale.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
*Washington University BioMedRAP (Biomedical Research Apprenticeship Program) | Washington University in St. Louis: Division of Biomedical Science – St. Louis, Missouri | Feb. 1 | Rochelle Smith Director of Summer Programs (314) 362-7963 rsmith@wustl.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Yeshiva University: Summer Research Internship Program (SURP) | Yeshiva University: Albert Einstein School of Medicine – New York, NY | Feb. 1 | Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Ave – Belfer 203 Bronx, NY 10461 surp@einstein.yu.edu | Paid 9 Week Research Internship |
California Institute of Technology: Medical Undergraduate Research Fellowship (MURF) | California Institute of Technology – Pasadena, CA | Jan. 9 | Candace Rypisi 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125 (626) 395.2886 murf@caltech.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Fellowship |
*California Institute of Technology: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) | California Institute of Technology – Pasadena, CA | Feb. 22 | Candace Rypisi 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125 (626) 395.2886 murf@caltech.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Boston University: Summer undergraduate research program (SURP) | Boston University: Division of Graduate Medical Studies – Boston, MA | Feb. 15 | Linda Zimmerman (617) 638-5704 surp@bu.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
*CUNY Summer undergraduate research program (C-SURP) | City University of New York – New York, NY | Feb. 15 | Melanie Close The Office of The Vice Chancellor for Research (212) 794-5763 csurp@mail.cuny.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Rockefeller University: summer undergraduate research fellowship Program (SURF) | Rockfeller University: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences – New York, NY | Feb. 1 | Office of Graduate Studies 1230 York Avenue, Box 177 New York, NY 10065 (212) 327-8086 surf@rockefeller.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Harvard University : Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program (SHURP) | Harvard Medical School: Division of Medical Sciences – Boston, MA | Feb. 1 | KeyAnna Schmiedl Program Coordinator for Diversity Affairs (617) 432-4980 shurp@hms.harvard.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Summer Research-Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) | Many Universities Nationwide | Feb. 1 | The Leadership Alliance 164 Angell Street, Box 1963 Providence RI 02912 Tel: (401) 863-1474 Fax: (401) 863-2244 | Paid 8–10 Week Research Internship |
*Harvard Stem Cell Institute Internship Program (HIP) | Harvard University – Cambridge & Boston, MA | Feb. 6 | Maureen Herrmann Program and Administrative Manager maureen_herrmann@harvard.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Cornell University Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program | Cornell University: Weill Cornell Medical College – New York &Ithaca, NY | Feb. 1 | Carlyle H. Miller Weill Cornell Medical College 445 East 69th Street, Room 110 New York, NY 10021 (212) 746-1057 | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
University of California, San Diego Summer Training Academy for Research in the Sciences (STARS) Program | UC SanDiego School of Graduate Studies – San Diego, CA | Feb. 22 | Veronica Henson-Phillips (858) 822-3536 vhensonphillips@ucsd.edu | Paid 8 Week Research Internship |
Morehouse College: Project IMHOTEP | Morehouse College: Public Health Sciences Institute– Atlanta, GA | Jan. 31 | Cynthia Trawick Director – PHSI ctrawick@morehouse.edu | Paid 11 Week Medical Training Internship |
*Emory College Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) | Emory University: Center for Science Education – Atlanta, GA | Feb. 10 | Dr. Cathy Qui–ones (404) 727-3439 cquinon@emory.edu | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Western tates Affiliate Summer Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship Program | American Heart Association – Multiple Locations Nationwide | Differs Per Program | Check Website | Paid 10 Week Research Internship |
Roswell Cancer Institute College Summer Research Program | Roswell Cancer Institute & National Cancer Institute – Buffalo, NY | Feb. 15 | Adam Kisailus Summer Program Office Department of Educational Affairs Buffalo, NY 14263 (716) 845-8134 | 10 Week Research Internship |
*SUNY Downstate Summer Research Program | SUNY Downstate Medical Center: School of Graduate Studies – Brooklyn, NY | Mar. 8 | Denise Sheares Box 41 450 Clarkson Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11203 Tel: (718) 270-2738 FAX: (718) 270-3378 dsheares@downstate.edu | Paid 8 Week Research Internship |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program (SRP) | University of Nebraska-Lincoln – Lincoln, NE | Feb. 1 | Justina Clark (402) 472-2869 jclark17@unl.edu | Paid 8–10 Week Research Internship |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) | Fred Cancer Research Institute – Seattle, WA | Jan. 18 | surp@fhcrc.org | Paid 9 Week Research Internship |
Rutgers University Research in Science and Engineering Program (RISE) | Rutgers SUNJ Grad | No hard deadline | RiSE at Rutgers Graduate School-New Brunswick Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 25 Bishop Place New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1181 rise@rci.rutgers.edu | 10 weeks |
Amgen Scholars Foundation | Columbia University/Barnard College, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Institutes of Health, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, San Francisco, and Washington University, St. Louis | Feb. 1 | support@trialect.com | 10 weeks |
Summer Research Program | University of Nebraska – Lincoln | Mar. 1 | ccoleman2@unl.edu |