Instructor teaching student using a barbell

Coaching Administration, Advanced Certificate

Gain the real-world leadership skills necessary to create effective coaching strategies and manage successful sports programs. Learn how to create a safe training environment and that supports athlete recovery and rehabilitation and nurtures athlete development.

What You’ll Learn

New York Tech's nine-credit Advanced Certificate in Coaching Administration teaches the principles and practices of coaching and leadership in the context of sports and physical activity.

You'll learn how to apply the latest research on leadership and motivation to develop effective coaching strategies for diverse populations across a variety of individual and team sports. You'll explore the physical, psychological, and social factors that contribute to successful athlete development the ways motivation and mental preparation can enhance athletic performance as well as the ethical responsibilities of coaches and the importance of diversity and inclusion.

You will master the psychological challenges faced by athletes and coaches, explore the ethical responsibilities of coaches and trainers, and develop the skills to support athletes' psychological well-being and resilience.

Career Options

  • Athletic Director
  • Physical Education Teacher
  • Recreation and Sports Director
  • Sports Agent
  • Sports Facility Manager

“The advanced certificate in coaching administration provides practical, hands-on experiences from seasoned experts, equipping you with the tools to effectively lead teams, manage sports programs, and drive success in diverse athletic environments.”

Amerigo Rossi, Ed.D., FACSM, RCEP, CSCS

Associate Professor, Program Director, Exercise and Sport Science

Exceptional experiences.
Outstanding outcomes.





TOP 15

Top-Tier Ranking

USNWR Best Regional Colleges North

New York Tech is ranked among the top 25 regional universities in the North.

How You’ll Succeed

After completing New York Tech's coaching administration advanced certificate, you'll have the theory-based leadership skills essential for effective coaching, including decision making, conflict resolution, and team management. You'll know how to observe and assess athlete technique, providing constructive feedback for skill improvement.

As a coach, you will have the skills needed to support athlete recovery and rehabilitation, and you be able to create a safe training environment. This certificate trains you in healthy communication techniques to optimize team dynamics, to motivate athletes, and to develop effective strategies for building positive coach-athlete relationships.

For more information about the program, please contact Amerigo Rossi, Associate Professor and Program Director, at

International F-1 students who successfully complete this degree are eligible for an additional 24-month STEM OPT extension to work in the U.S. in an area directly related to their area of study immediately upon completing the customary 12-month post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).

USNWR Best Regional Colleges North

Top-Tier Ranking

New York Tech is ranked among the top 25 regional universities in the North.

Do. Make. Innovate.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Patient and Provider Virtual Symposium 2024

August 20, 2024 | 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm

Come to the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome/Hypermobility Treatment Center’s Seventh Annual Patient and Provider Symposium on Audust 20, at 1 p.m. This event is free and is being held virtually via Zoom.

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Long Island, NY | May 28, 2024

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