
Challenging Convention: MVRDV’s Approach to Design

NYIT de Seversky Mansion NYIT de Seversky Mansion, Old Westbury

This presentation introduces MVRDV’s approach to architecture, driven by bold design and innovative solutions. Our research-based methodology challenges convention, focusing on sustainability, urban density, and the integration of built and […]

Edward Guiliano Global Fellowship Workshop

Career Success and Experiential Education (NYC) 26 W. 61st St., room 211, New York +1 more

If you had $5,000 to pursue a transformational experience, what would you do? Attend this information session on the Edward Guiliano Global Fellowship, which offers students the opportunity for creative […]

Edward Guiliano Global Fellowship Info Session

26 W. 61st St. - Conference Room

Information Session: If you had $5,000 dollars to pursue a transformational experience, what would you do? Attend this information session on the Edward Guiliano Global Fellowship—the final time and last […]

NYC SGA Senate

16 W. 61 St., Room 624

Join the Student Government Association for the biweekly Senate meetings. During Senate meetings, student senators discuss important campus updates and general student feedback, vote on budgets, and more. Register

Period Power: De-Stigmatizing Menstruation

26 W. 61st St., first-floor lounge 26 W. 61st St., first-floor lounge, New York

Come chat with us about menstruation!! Whether you're curious, have questions, or just want to know more, let's talk about everything period-related with zero stress and total openness. Register