Student Engagement

NYC Let’s Discuss: Black Mental Health

Student Activities Center, Rear Lounge 1849 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Join the African Student Alliance (ASA) and the Behavioral Science Club (BSC) this Black History Month as we have conversations around mental health within the Black community. We'll have an […]

LI SGA Senate

Harry Schure Hall Harry Schure Hall, Room 130, Old Westbury, NY, United States

Join the Student Government Association for the bi-weekly Senate meetings. Senate meetings are held in person in Harry Schure Hall 130. During Senate meetings, student senators discuss important campus updates, […]

BSU Tooth Gem Event

Anna Rubin Hall Anna Rubin Hall, Room 312

To celebrate Black History Month, the Black Student Union (BSU) is having its first-ever tooth gem event to celebrate the trend of tooth gems and how they are a staple […]

NYC SGA Senate

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

Join the Student Government Association for the biweekly Senate meetings. During Senate meetings, student senators discuss important campus updates, and general student feedback, vote on budgets, and more. Register

LI Table Tennis Tournament

SAC (Student Activity Center) SAC (Student Activity Center), 3rd floor conference room

Get ready to showcase your skills and enjoy some exciting competition at the New York Tech Table Tennis tournament! This is a singles tournament. There will be first-, second-, and […]

Preparing for Ramadan Event

Harry Schure Hall Harry Schure Hall, Room 130, Old Westbury, NY, United States

Join us with Qari Nazrul to learn about the Islamic month of Ramadan. Embark on the opportunity to learn good habits, get helpful tips for the month, and learn more […]

Black History Month Gala: Golden Hour, Illuminating Black Excellence

Leonard's Palazzo 555 Northern Blvd., Great Neck, NY, United States

Come celebrate Black History Month and Black excellence at our annual Black History Month Gala. The evening will feature Black culture with live music and a DJ, food, and plenty […]

LI SGA Meet the Candidates

Harry Schure Hall, Room 130 Harry Schure Hall, Room 130

Come join us and meet the candidates for the 2025-2026 Student Government Association Executive Board. Register

Grizzlies’ Day Out

Dreamworks Indoor Waterpark American Dream Mall, East Rutherford, NJ, United States

In lieu of the Grizzly Games during Faculty Development Day on March 5, this semester the Office of Student Engagement is treating students to a day out! Join us on […]

NYC SGA Senate

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

Join the Student Government Association for the biweekly Senate meetings. During Senate meetings, student senators discuss important campus updates, and general student feedback, vote on budgets, and more. Register

Women Empowerment Brunch

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

Come join us for our annual Women Empowerment Brunch, a time to uplift, empower, and celebrate women in our school community and throughout history. We will have brunch food, a […]