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Faculty Scholars Reception

Date: April 10, 2025
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: NYIT de Seversky Mansion
Old Westbury, NY

Faculty Scholars Reception

The Office of Academic Affairs is pleased to announce that the 2025 Faculty Scholars Reception will take place on Thursday, April 10, from 3 to 5 p.m., at the NYIT de Seversky Mansion on the New York Tech Long Island campus.

This event celebrates the scholarly and creative achievements of New York Institute of Technology’s full-time and adjunct faculty and staff completed during the preceding calendar year in any of the academic fields represented by New York Tech’s schools or colleges, including all global campuses and sites.

The reception is always a festive occasion and an unparalleled opportunity to hear, see, and appreciate the breadth and depth of scholarship at New York Tech by its distinguished faculty and students.

Check back at the end of the month for additional registration information.

Eligibility Criteria

Faculty and staff members who have achieved one or more of the following during the 2024 calendar year (January 1 – December 31, 2024) are eligible for inclusion in this event:

  • Received an internal (New York Tech) or external grant.
  • Published original research articles in a nationally recognized peer-reviewed journal or in a book.
  • Published or edited peer-reviewed books or journals.
  • Presented original research or creative work in a major public forum.
  • Produced a major creative work.
  • Obtained a patent.
  • Received a prize or an award from an outside professional organization honoring creative activity or scholarly achievement.

Submission Process

  • Complete the Google Form below.
  • Include a complete bibliographic citation for each submitted item.
  • For presentations, include the type (poster, lecture, keynote address, etc.), date, and location of the event.
  • For guidance on citation style and for examples of New York Tech faculty accomplishments honored in previous years, refer to the brochures posted on the Faculty Scholars page.

Honorees will be selected by the Office of Academic Affairs. The deadline for submissions is March 21.

Submit Your Achievement
To access the submission page, please sign into Google with your nyit.edu email account.

Honorees will receive recognition at this special event, via an exhibit or other presentation of their accomplishment. In addition, honoree accomplishments will be celebrated in a digital book. As exhibit space is limited, you are encouraged to make your submission as early as possible. Should we receive an overwhelming number of requests for exhibit space, it will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Thank you in advance for your continued scholarly accomplishments. We look forward to showcasing them on April 10.


April 10, 2025
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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NYIT de Seversky Mansion
NYIT de Seversky Mansion
Old Westbury, NY

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