NYC Federal Work Study Day

Do you have federal work study within your financial aid package? If yes, please be sure to attend Federal Work Study Day for valuable insights, resources, and networking opportunities to help you make the most of your work-study experience. Whether you're new to the program or looking to enhance your current position, join us to […]

LI Federal Work Study Day

Harry Schure Hall, 1st floor Harry Schure Hall, 1st floor, Long Island campus

Do you have federal work study within your financial aid package? If yes, please be sure to attend Federal Work Study Day for valuable insights, resources, and networking opportunities to help you make the most of your work-study experience. Whether you're new to the program or looking to enhance your current position, join us to […]

Consultants for the Public Good Info Session

26 W. 61st St. - Conference Room

Attend this session to learn about Consultants for the Public Good, available consultancies, how to register, and the impact you can have on your local community while participating in skill-based volunteerism.

LI Tech Threads Grand Opening

SAC (Student Activity Center) SAC (Student Activity Center), 3rd floor conference room

Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of Tech Threads, New York Tech's new professional closet.

NYC Tech Threads Grand Opening

26 W. 61st St., first-floor lounge 26 W. 61st St., first-floor lounge, New York, NY

Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of Tech Threads, New York Tech's new professional closet.