Peer Success GUIDE Program
Students Helping Students
At New York Tech, we are committed to helping our students find success. The Peer Success GUIDE Program will pair you with a Peer Success Guide (PSG) who will provide you with social support and direct you to the many services and resources we have to offer. We recognize that transitioning to college can be difficult for many reasons and we are here to help!
Through this program, your Peer Success Guide will:
- Give you support
- Unlock your potential by Immersing you in the community, and
- Direct you to resources to Enrich your experience.
What Should I Expect as a New Student?
After you have enrolled for classes, you will be contacted by your Peer Success Guide (PSG) who will provide you with both social and academic support during your transition to New York Tech, throughout your entire first year.
Your PSG will invite you to attend various events on campus, they will be available to meet with you and answer any questions you have, and will plan special activities which will be a great opportunity for you to interact with other students at New York Tech.
Who are Peer Success Guides (PSGs)?
Peer Success Guides (PSGs) are New York Tech students in their sophomore, junior, and senior years. Having walked in the shoes of a first-year student, they can relate to the transition and challenges you may face. They will share valuable insight about the exciting successes they achieved and the tough lessons they learned along the way.
How will I Know who my Peer Success Guide (PSG) will be?
Your PSG will contact you prior to your first semester to introduce themselves. Feel free to say “Hi” back and ask them any questions you have!
What’s Expected of Me?
We encourage you to participate at your comfort level! Your PSG will reach out to you throughout your first year and will serve as a bridge to meeting other students, getting involved on campus, accessing resources, and supporting your personal success at New York Tech.