Merit Pages for New York Tech Students
What is a Merit Page?

A Merit Page is an online profile of a New York Tech student that can be updated by both the student and the university. Updates happen from the student’s first day of classes to graduation and beyond.1 New York Tech began offering its Merit Pages program to enrolled students in August 2018.
Merit helps New York Tech students build their reputation by documenting, sharing, and promoting:
- Academic achievements,
- Awards and honors they receive as a New York Tech student,
- Activities and organizations they participate in,
- On- and off-campus work experiences.
The final result is an online resume that will prove invaluable as students enter the workplace or seek to continue their education.
How does it work?
Students receive an email inviting them to activate their official New York Tech Merit page.
Students are encouraged to personalize their page by adding photos, listing additional achievements and work experiences, and connecting their page to their social media accounts.
Once activated, Merit pages are updated in two ways:
- Students can add details about their unique academic and co-curricular achievements, honors, awards, affiliations, internships, and work experiences.
- New York Tech adds officially verified academic successes like institutional and/or collegiate honors and graduation.
Of course, students may opt out of the Merit Pages program at any time.
Questions? Send them to
Sharing the good news
Students are notified by email each time new content has been added to their Merit page. The email notification includes an option for the student to share the news via their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
When New York Tech issues Merit Pages achievements, they are shared with the student’s local newspapers, former high school principals and school counselors, and elected officials who represent their hometown in state government.2
You also have the ability to notify friends, family, mentors, and others about these achievements by subscribing them here.
After graduation
When a student graduates, his or her Merit page becomes inactive to the university but remains accessible to the student, provided they have connected their Merit Pages account to Facebook or Twitter.
New York Tech’s Merit Pages program is coordinated by New York Tech’s Office of Strategic Communications. For more information, contact New York Tech’s Merit Page:
Students: Building a resume? Use your Merit Page!
1. We use Merit in accordance with New York Tech’s student privacy policy. ↩
2. Students who have their former high school on file with New York Tech will have their New York Tech verified achievements delivered in a weekly digest to their high school administrator. Students who have their U.S. hometown on file with New York Tech will have their New York Tech achievements delivered in a weekly digest to their state-level elected official. ↩