NYC SGA Senate

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

Join the Student Government Association for the biweekly Senate meetings. During Senate meetings, student senators discuss important campus updates, and general student feedback, vote on budgets, and more. Register

NYC SGA Senate

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

Join the Student Government Association for the biweekly Senate meetings. During Senate meetings, student senators discuss important campus updates, and general student feedback, vote on budgets, and more. Register

NYC SGA Senate

16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium 16 W. 61st St., 11th-floor auditorium, New York, NY, United States

Join the Student Government Association for the biweekly Senate meetings. During Senate meetings, student senators discuss important campus updates, and general student feedback, vote on budgets, and more. Register