College of Arts & Sciences

In today's digital world—where everyone and everything is connected as never before—the most valuable players are those who can think critically, solve problems creatively, communicate effectively, and adapt easily across many disciplines, cultures, and situations.

In the College of Arts and Sciences, whatever your major—from biology to physics to interdisciplinary studies to education—we’ll fortify your education through an emphasis on innovation and the integration of new technologies into every course of study. You’ll be part of a community pursuing fields as diverse as life sciences like biology and chemistry; behavioral sciences like psychology school counseling; math and physics; and more. You’ll emerge with a highly valuable degree and the broad skills and perspectives to lead and succeed in the global marketplace.

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Academic Departments

NYIT's College of Arts & Sciences

Fast Fact: College of Arts & Sciences

All NYIT undergraduates experience the College of Arts and Sciences' Discovery Core, a unique curriculum focusing on communication, global competency, and critical thinking.


Long Island, NY

Balding House, room 202
P.O. Box 8000
Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000
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New York, NY

16 W. 61st St.
New York, NY 10023
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Vancouver, Canada

701 W. Georgia St., Suite 1700
P.O. Box 10104
Pacific Centre
Vancouver, BC V7Y 1K8
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Linda Stasi (B.F.A. ’70) got her first taste of the hustle and bustle of the newsroom writing for the Campus Slate. She ultimately landed jobs at major media outlets, including the New York Daily News. Since then, she has transitioned to novelist, publishing her first book in 2013, and attributes her successful writing career to New York Tech.

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