
The Workday Implementation project has established a governance framework to help facilitate project operations and decision-making. The governance structure, which includes representation from all affected functional areas and campuses, includes an Executive Committee, Steering Committee, and a Decision-Making Framework.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the primary sponsor and champion for the project. The committee's primary focus is on the strategic components of the project, including project objectives, scope, and budget, while delegating the day-to-day operations of the project to the Steering Committee and/or the Project Team. The Executive Committee may also serve as the decision-maker and/or escalation point for institutionally impactful decisions, and unresolved major issues.


Jerry Balentine

Provost and Executive Vice President

Catherine Flickinger

Catherine Flickinger

General Counsel and Vice President, Human Resources

Barbara Holahan

Barbara Holahan

Vice President Financial Affairs, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer

Pennie Turgeon

Pennie Turgeon

Vice President for IT and CIO/CISO

Steering Committee

Name Position
Shelley Cohen Executive Director, Finance - COM Long Island
Becky Frieden Sr. Director of Enterprise Applications and Decision Support - ITS
Sheri Kelleher Assistant Provost, Academic Affairs
Carlos Larry Director, Finance – COM Arkansas
Michaela Loughran Assistant Director, HRIS – HR
Victoria Pfeiffer Executive Director, Operations and Planning – Academic Affairs
Jennifer Ramsey Director, Budgets, Operations and Accreditation Reporting – Vancouver
Tina Salgado Change Management Lead, Workday Project WIN
George Scheu Assistant Controller and Senior Budget Director
Becky Frieden Program Director, Workday Project WIN
Eileen Valerio Assistant Treasurer and Controller
Katherine Zuliani Executive Director, HR

Decision Making Framework

The Decision-Making Framework is a structured approach for facilitating, communicating and documenting project decision-making. The framework includes categorizing decisions by type, and identifying the key decision-makers for each decision type, as well as procedures for communicating and documenting decisions. This framework is a key deliverable in the early phases of the project, and will be posted on this site after it is complete.